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000093_owner-lightwave-l _Sat Jul 9 13:51:20 1994.msg
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Date: Sat, 09 Jul 1994 15:03:14 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: Warp transputor & LightEngine (was Raptor 2 MIP chips?)
To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
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Scott Bragg <csbragg@netcom.com> writes:
>Ed, where did youget info on the lightEngine?? Can you post some
>performance specs, processor types, ect.. thanks..
I got the info directly from U.S.Cybernetics.
The following are direct quotes from SOME of the info that
was FAXed to me.
BTW, I am not in any way connected to U.S.Cybernetics or Cybernetica.
The WARP System consists of:
>System interface board
-Plugs into any ZorroII/II
-Offers 2-3 times the speed of '040 A4000* for $1995
-Required to link up additional WARP Modules
>WARP level 2 Module
-plugs into an external case
-can be linked with other WARP Modules
-Offers 4-6 times the speed of '040 A4000* for $1395
-RAM can be expanded up to 192MB per module
>WARP level 3 Module
-plugs into an external case
-can be linked with other WARP Modules
-Offers 6-9 times the speed of '040 A4000* for $1995
-RAM can be expanded up to 288MB per module
The WARP System is a parallel-processing system acceleration system
with the lowest cost graphics power available, because it offers the
best price/performance ratios in the industry.
The WARP Enclosure is an air-cooled external case which can hold up
to 10 boards with it's own power supply
Any number of WARP Enclosures can be easily linked and stacked to
create a modular supercomputer at a fraction of the cost of
comparable systems.
If fully loaded with WARP Level 3 Moduals, the WARP Enclosure will
offer anywhere from 60-90 times the speed of '040 A4000*, and
can hold up to 2.9 Gigabytes of RAM.
*actual speed depends on the efficency of the software
WARP Compatible Software
Real 3D
Vista Pro
Paint Engine
Physics Engine
Particle Engine
Morphing Engine
Modeling Engine
Animation Engine
Interface Engine
Newton's Law
Light Engine
will be able to raytrace scene files generated by Cybernetica's
other engines, or in in Lightwave, and Imagine. The raytracing
resolution is limited only by memory available to the
WARP Modules. The raytracer is projected to be as fast as
Lightwaves renderer on high ressolution. All of Lightwave's
rendering and raytracing effects will be emulated proficiently.
Many more effects will be included as well as Lightning, Lasers,
Light Volumes, True object glows, Electricity, and Fractal Texture
effects, and embedded lights, more options on lights and cameras,
and multiple camers views to name a few. The Engine will have
it's own interface on the Amiga, and act as a stand alone
Coming Soon:
Paint Engine
Sound Engine
Video Engine
Logic Engine
Data Engine
U.S.Cybernetics 800-292-5001 FAX 805-730-7332
in Canada 800-668-WARP
Additional info was also given for:
Physics Engine
Particle Engine
Morphing Engine
Modeling Engine
Interface Engine
Animation Engine
.....just didn't have the time to transcribe it all!